For years my sisters and I have tried many ways to celebrate our parents on this day. From making them breakfast in bed, putting on special Cinco De Mayo anniversary performances, buying them gift certificates, and graduating college on the day of their anniversary, we've always enjoyed celebrating their day.
Even though I cannot be near my parents on this day, I wanted to let them know I'm still celebrating with them. (However, I'm sure the Michael Buble concert they attended last night was celebration enough.)
So, here's to paying tribute to my two role models on the day they decided to share their lives together.
Congratulation on 24 years, mom and dad. Along the way you've displayed the essence of marriage and celebrating life. Thank you for teaching me the meanings of love, laughter, compromise and commitment.
Here's to creating another 24 years of memories!

Yay! Debbie and Lou! yay!
Thank you sweetie! Some of my favorite memories of our anniversaries are the years you all made us breakfast in bed. I loved the homemade menus with choices like "eggo waffles with fruit", "toast", or whatever else it was we had in the cabinet that a 2, 5 and 8 year old could make on their own. It didn't matter what we ate because it always came with a heaping side of love and a flower or two :)
Dad and I are lucky to have each other, but our lives would be nowhere near as amazing as they are if it weren't for you and your sisters! I count my blessings everyday for the family God has given me. I can't wait to see you in three days!!!!
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