Friday, April 4, 2008

Thought for Food Vol. 2

This is a little bit later in the week than I'd hoped, but every time I went to write, the book I needed was nowhere near. It was that constant feeling of, "This is what losing half your brain must feel like." When I finally got my act together and made a to-do list (they really are the love of my life) I cemented my ability to remember my book when it was time to write the blog.
Anyway, if you didn't tune in for the first one, here's the drill: Below you will find a quotation. Your task is to read it and comment on any part of it. The author, the tone, perspective, positive or negative views, a current reference, etc., etc., etc. I will not comment on the quotation unless someone asks me to respond to them- this is all about you creating a forum for interesting thoughts in a mundane minute of your day.

Happy Thinking.

This comes from Lisa See, the author of Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. As I tell everyone, don't let the title fool you, this is not chick lit and it is a phenomonal book- one I'd consider teaching. The book centers around 19th century China and interweaves the story of two woman during a time of oppression, arranged marriages, war, footbinding and the joy of having sons and the sorrow of having daughters. I think this background information will provide a sense of the author.

Her quotation comes from her Final Notes after the novel, in reference to women in all nations:
"As women, we have all at one time or another wondered about the true and everlasting mystery of the men in our lives. These are universals, as is the fear women feel during times of political upheavel that occur in what could still be called the outside world of men- whether during the Taiping Rebellion so many years ago or today for women in Iraq... or even right here in the post 9/11 era. On the surface, we as American women are independent, free, mobile, but at our cores we still long for love, friendship, happiness, tranquility, and to be heard" (265).


debbie brown said...

Hmmm, "the sorrow of having daughters". It's almost inconceivable how raising a daughter in a specific culture would be such a devestating, and possibly, deadly thing. When my daughters have brought me nothing but joy, it's difficult to imagine how the political views of having a daughter would overshadow a parent's day to day life in raising a child-son or daughter.

Lauren said...

I think that's a great quote. Women can be both strong, independent and also be supported by men, loved by commnity, etc. We are not autonomous individuals and I think sometimes "feminist" brings on the connotation of having to not need/want men in our lives, but instead treat them as extras, which i think is a disservice. I think this quote embodies some of that. Although I dont think I completely agree with the speaker's feeling of disconnect, I can see where there is a barrier, socially imposed, between worlds where women have always been accepted and those which we are still to this day a kind of outsider and the confusion within strong women with needing men vs being strong on our own.